Friday, June 20, 2008

Water - The Worlds Most Precious Resource

Water is one of nature's most precious gifts and a resource we depend on for our life. Water is essential for everyone. Water is fundamental to all life forms, affecting all ecosystems and the various uses to which it is put. Demand continues to rise rapidly as the worlds population grows - water use per capita also increases. This is fast becoming a serious problem because the supply of water is finite. Only 3% of the worlds water is fresh.

According to the World Health Organization, "safe drinking water is fast becoming the world's most critical resource and a global concern as more than a billion people worldwide lack access to it".

Here are a couple of good reasons for their concern:-

=> Unclean water is the second biggest killer of children, claiming more than two million lives annually.

=> drinking water is listed as the Number 4 health hazard in the US. Safe Drinking Water is constantly in the News - politicians would like it to appear safer than it is.

Water is indispensable for human health and well-being. A regular, adequate supply of clean drinking water is one of our essential basic human needs and often a factor in survival. Not only is clean water essential for everyday life, it is essential to economic growth and poverty reduction.

Unfortunately, Water is something we ALL take for granted.

Clean drinking water is one of the world's most precious resources. Under US Federal law, bottled water is classified as a food product. As is the case in most western countries.

As a result of the way water has been marketed over the years, many consumers believe that, bottled water is safer and healthier than tap water. Why wouldn't they think that when they have been shown graphic images of how the condition of the once-clean pure water is transformed by the time it travels through the delapitated pipes to our homes.

It is no wonder that in this day and age bottled water is becoming more and more popular. Sure bottled water is convenient, but it is only as safe as its source.

That same marketing has pushed the price of water - "sometimes dramatically" throughout the world to the point where it is more expensive per litre than petrol.

How much water is enough?

The "recommended" daily consumption of water is somewhere around 60-80 ounces, however alternative health care professionals will tell you should be consuming 50% of your total body weight in pounds in ounces. Regardless of the virtual water that you get from your diet. Virtual water is the amount of water that is embedded in food or other products needed for its production.

Water is the safest thing for you to drink. In many ways, water is a miracle liquid. Water is essential to good health, yet needs vary by individual. Although it contains no nutrients, water is a vital component of our diets.

My 2 cents worth

Make no mistake water is the most important liquid in the world and having a supply of safe drinking water is everybody's business.