Friday, June 20, 2008

How To Use Niche Markeitng To Increase Your Profits

If you are at all familiar with internet marketing then you have probably come across the term niche marketing at some time or another. For those who don't quite understand the concept I have taken the time to put together some examples of niche marketing and how you can use it to send your online business soaring.

To find some great examples of niche marketing you might want to start with something you are interested in like a favorite hobby. While it may not be your favorite hobby for the purpose of discovering examples of niche marketing we are going to use 'golf' as our topic of interest.

Now golf by itself is a rather broad topic so lets consider something like 'golf swing techniques'. This is a niche off the golf topic because it addresses a specific thing that is associated with golf. However, you might consider refining this even further into 'golf putting techniques' or 'golf driving techniques'. Now we have two niches that are even more specific than just 'golf swing techniques'.

Using these examples of niche marketing you could then address each term specifically. Establish yourself as an authority on putting and find products or create your own that directly relate to putting techniques and recommend them to your audience. The same holds true for driving techniques.

There are probably a lot more things even beyond putting and driving that you can use to expand your marketing efforts, but you should be able to see from these examples of niche marketing how you can grow your online business and increase sales by focusing more on what people are actually looking for.

Niche marketing is basically marketing to a targeted audience. I hope the examples of niche marketing mentioned above have helped you to understand this concept further and how you can start to expand your own niche and find more targeted customers.