Friday, June 20, 2008

Water - The Worlds Most Precious Resource

Water is one of nature's most precious gifts and a resource we depend on for our life. Water is essential for everyone. Water is fundamental to all life forms, affecting all ecosystems and the various uses to which it is put. Demand continues to rise rapidly as the worlds population grows - water use per capita also increases. This is fast becoming a serious problem because the supply of water is finite. Only 3% of the worlds water is fresh.

According to the World Health Organization, "safe drinking water is fast becoming the world's most critical resource and a global concern as more than a billion people worldwide lack access to it".

Here are a couple of good reasons for their concern:-

=> Unclean water is the second biggest killer of children, claiming more than two million lives annually.

=> drinking water is listed as the Number 4 health hazard in the US. Safe Drinking Water is constantly in the News - politicians would like it to appear safer than it is.

Water is indispensable for human health and well-being. A regular, adequate supply of clean drinking water is one of our essential basic human needs and often a factor in survival. Not only is clean water essential for everyday life, it is essential to economic growth and poverty reduction.

Unfortunately, Water is something we ALL take for granted.

Clean drinking water is one of the world's most precious resources. Under US Federal law, bottled water is classified as a food product. As is the case in most western countries.

As a result of the way water has been marketed over the years, many consumers believe that, bottled water is safer and healthier than tap water. Why wouldn't they think that when they have been shown graphic images of how the condition of the once-clean pure water is transformed by the time it travels through the delapitated pipes to our homes.

It is no wonder that in this day and age bottled water is becoming more and more popular. Sure bottled water is convenient, but it is only as safe as its source.

That same marketing has pushed the price of water - "sometimes dramatically" throughout the world to the point where it is more expensive per litre than petrol.

How much water is enough?

The "recommended" daily consumption of water is somewhere around 60-80 ounces, however alternative health care professionals will tell you should be consuming 50% of your total body weight in pounds in ounces. Regardless of the virtual water that you get from your diet. Virtual water is the amount of water that is embedded in food or other products needed for its production.

Water is the safest thing for you to drink. In many ways, water is a miracle liquid. Water is essential to good health, yet needs vary by individual. Although it contains no nutrients, water is a vital component of our diets.

My 2 cents worth

Make no mistake water is the most important liquid in the world and having a supply of safe drinking water is everybody's business.

Profitable Niche Affiliate Marketing Programs

There are several places that we can look for niche affiliate marketing programs. The first and best in my opinion is always Their marketplace has over 10,000 products to choose from, most of which are info products or ebooks. They have a handy search feature that lets you search for products by category, sub-category or even by keyword. No matter what your niche is you can almost always find a worthwhile niche affiliate marketing program form their list of vendors and the best part about clickbank is they deal with all the vendors for you so you don't have to do anything more than sign up, get your affiliate link and start promoting.

There are several other niche affiliate marketing program networks that you may want to consider as well., and are a few of my favorites. They don't always have as extensive of a collection as clickbank but worth a look if you are needing something specific. Also their pay-outs tend to be a little less then that of clickbank so I recommend finding something on clickbank first and then using these guys as a backup or for supplemental products to promote.

Aside from searching for niche affiliate marketing programs on your own at any of the internets many affiliate networks, you may want to do a little research and find out what your projected customers are currently buying. You can do this by finding some forums, blogs and other social sites that allow users in your niche to interact with one another. Skim through some of the conversations people have and many times they will talk about things they have bought or tried and whether they liked or disliked them. If you are having trouble finding something ask questions like "has anyone found a good solution for ________?" Fill in the blank with a common problem associated with your niche.

If all else fails and you are unable to uncover a niche affiliate marketing program that fits into your niche then maybe you should consider creating one. If your niche is something you are interested in or know a lot about you could easily put together a 30 to 60 page ebook that you could sell. Go back to the forums and try to create a product that addresses some of the common problems or concerns that people are having.

Once you have found a good niche affiliate marketing program or perhaps created your own the rest is a piece of cake. The reason finding a good product is so important is because a great product will literally sell itself and all you have to do is send visitors its way. So take some time and make sure you pick the niche affiliate marketing program that best suits your niche. Your customers will thank you for it.

Thoughts On Candidate "leadership"

" I don't want you to follow me or anyone else. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I could lead you in, somebody else would lead you out." -- Eugene Debs

As a candidate for Vice-President of the United States, I don't see myself as a "leader" per se. I'm not asking anyone to follow me. Rather, I'm pointing the way to a better place and asking voters to come with me to that place -- even, in effect, to carry me to that place on their shoulders by casting their vote for me (and, of course, for the candidate whose running mate I am). The nature of any "better place" in electoral politics is such that either we all get there together, or none of us gets there at all. Yes, this raises important questions about the value of electoral politics -- but that's the game we're playing, so let's understand the rules.

So ... why bother? As a candidate of a new, small "third party" I probably have a better chance of propelling myself to the moon by sticking my head between my knees and exhaling than of moving into a new residence at the Naval Observatory next January. I have no expectation that Charles Jay and I shall ride on your shoulders down Pennsylvania Avenue to an inauguration ceremony after November's election.

The simple answer is: Everything starts somewhere, and sometimes it has to start again and again and again before it really gets going.

My purpose as a vice-presidential candidate is to help find more shoulders for the next ticket to ride on. It's to help define the battle lines, to persuade as many of you as possible to the right side of those lines, and to arm you with a weapon: Your vote -- your check mark next to the names of candidates who stand for freedom, who stand with the productive class versus the political class, who are on your side, not just on a checklist of policy issues (although that's important, too) but on the fundamental question of who is entitled to run your life.

Voting for the Boston Tea Party's ticket this November constitutes a powerful moral statement that only you can make, and only for yourself. It is an announcement that you -- not the state, not the state's agents, not the state's cronies, not the parasitic "power elites," but you alone -- own your mind, your body and the product of your labor, and that you intend to exercise and defend that ownership.

That statement's value is not dependent upon how many people make it. Its value subsists in the act of you standing up to make it. Candidates and parties are mere lightning bugs -- your declaration of self-ownership is the lightning bolt.

Yes, the numbers are important in making that statement stick -- but that's where "leadership" comes in. Charles Jay is not the "leader." I'm not the "leader," either. YOU are your own leader, if you need one. Charles Jay, myself and the party we represent, are nothing more or less than convenient labels which we invite YOU to offer those around you as a tool for making the same statement, and taking the same leadership role, for themselves. The entire value of a libertarian political party or candidacy lies in its function as a metaphorical flag for people of like mind to gather round. The flag is not the parade. You, and those who march with you, are.

Remember this well: If the day comes when a BTP (or other allegedly libertarian) presidential slate rides down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the inauguration stage, that party and those candidates will not have set you free -- you and your fellows will have set yourselves free, or at least taken a giant step toward doing so. The candidates and the party will remain nothing more than labels representing YOUR decision to seize the day and seize your freedom. And if for any reason you are ever forced to choose between the label and the substance, I hope the correct choice is obvious.

How To Use Niche Markeitng To Increase Your Profits

If you are at all familiar with internet marketing then you have probably come across the term niche marketing at some time or another. For those who don't quite understand the concept I have taken the time to put together some examples of niche marketing and how you can use it to send your online business soaring.

To find some great examples of niche marketing you might want to start with something you are interested in like a favorite hobby. While it may not be your favorite hobby for the purpose of discovering examples of niche marketing we are going to use 'golf' as our topic of interest.

Now golf by itself is a rather broad topic so lets consider something like 'golf swing techniques'. This is a niche off the golf topic because it addresses a specific thing that is associated with golf. However, you might consider refining this even further into 'golf putting techniques' or 'golf driving techniques'. Now we have two niches that are even more specific than just 'golf swing techniques'.

Using these examples of niche marketing you could then address each term specifically. Establish yourself as an authority on putting and find products or create your own that directly relate to putting techniques and recommend them to your audience. The same holds true for driving techniques.

There are probably a lot more things even beyond putting and driving that you can use to expand your marketing efforts, but you should be able to see from these examples of niche marketing how you can grow your online business and increase sales by focusing more on what people are actually looking for.

Niche marketing is basically marketing to a targeted audience. I hope the examples of niche marketing mentioned above have helped you to understand this concept further and how you can start to expand your own niche and find more targeted customers.

Clear Skin, Simple And Fast – With No Drugs

You don't have to be a teenager to get acne. Women during pregnancy, pre and post menopause or during menstruation can also have outbreaks. It's embarrassing and makeup just won't totally hide it.

Infomercials and over-the-counter products offer help as do dermatologists. Most contain side effects and potential health risks, especially since you have to use the product or drug for extended periods of time.

Antibiotics, if used frequently when there is no serious illness, may encourage antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Some products with harsh chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid may cause skin redness and peeling.

Looking at alternatives, herbal treatments have been recommended through home remedies. These are time consuming to make and take a long time for results, if they work at all. Most of us want what is simple and fast, often not even considering side effects.

If a product indicates not to use it when you're pregnant or breast feeding, or lists any other potential side effects, I stay away from it and certainly would not want my children to use it. Why should I when there are alternatives?

There is a simpler science based product line that will help clear acne. Cleure offers cleanser and toner that has proven to help clear acne quickly and safely. They also advocate using their loose mineral concealers, for men and women, while the acne is clearing up.

The treatment is very simple and in about two weeks, acne is gone or you are guaranteed to get your money back. You start with their Cleure Cleanser, follow with their Toner and lastly moisturizer applied lightly. Cover with Cleure concealer and watch acne disappear.

With the options offered by dermatologist with antibiotic creams and injections, infomercials offering products with loads of side effects, or trying all the different over-the-counter ones that never seem to work, Cleure is the clear choice for me.